jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

Mor Adam Schlesinger dels Fontains Of Wayne per Coronavirus:

Adam Schlesinger fundador, baixista, cantant i compositor de la formació amerciana de power-pop Fontains Of Wayne ha mor per culpa del Coronavirus als 52 anys.

Enrera deixa un llegat artístic que destaca pels Fountains Of Wayne amb cinc discos memorables publicats desde meitat dels anys 90, amb l' exit de "Stacy' s Mom" de 2003, però sobre tot serà recordat per composar "That Thing You Do" tema principal de la película dirigida per Tom Hanks "The Wonders". Guanyador de tres premis Emmy i un Grammy, va dedicar-se a d' altres bandes com Ivy o Tinted Windows, a produir discos i a treballar pel cine i la televisió.


Una llàstima perquè el darrer disc de FOW data de l' any 2011 i molts erem els que teniem esperances de una nova entrega. Sense ell no serà el mateix.


Nova York 31 d octubre de 1967 - Nova York 1 d abril de 2020 (RIP)

"Survival Car"

Don't you wanna ride in my
Survival car
We can take the long way home
Through Central Park

Funny how the ground can find my wheels
I'm going where the road ain't there
And only riding on the path we made
To Union Square

Doing like the young folks do
In west coast towns
Plowing like a banshee through
The overground

Funny how the ground can find my wheels
I'm going where the road won't dare
And only riding on the path we made
To Union Square

Everybody hit the ground
I think I might have missed my calling
Everybody turn around

The light's about to change
You better stand aside
Why you wanna walk
Don't you want to ride ride ride ride

Don't you wanna ride in my
Survival car
We can take the long way home

Funny how the ground can find my wheels
I'm going where the road won't there
And only riding on the path we made
To Union Square
And only riding on the path we made
Riding on the path we made
Riding on the path we made
To Union Square

Don't you wanna ride in my
Survival car
We can take the long way home

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